The Fib Review Issue # 8

The Fib Review Issue # 8 takes the Fibonacci poetry form into new levels with poems from an international community of poets representing New Zealand, the UK, and the US.

This issue promises fresh new voices from poets such as Hal O'Leary, John Mills and Laurice Gilbert. Poets like J. Zimmerman, Deryn Pittar and Wolfiewolfgang continue to challenge the form by using word count, split (three-way) fibs and shaped fibs, while Benjamin Krause uses the Fibonacci sequence in syllable count per word. Returning poet Yokei presents us with a short play written in Fibonacci sequence. Lonnard Dean Watkins' influence of art and poetry come together in his graphic poem. The sensitivity of Charmaine Thomson and Lois Elaine Heckman, and the wit of Sean Monaghan and Max Wallis continue to add the variety to the Fibonacci form which gives the Fib Review its unique character.

Issue #8 continues to challenge the reader to see more than just a structured form poem. We hope you enjoy it.

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