Submission Guidelines

The Fib Review has been an online poetry journal that specializes in only one particular poetry form - the Fibonacci poem. The Fibonacci poem is a poetry form based on the structure of the Fibonacci number sequence.

The Fib Review will accept submissions year-round and will publish accepted submissions in three issues to be published over the course of a calendar year. Issues will be posted at the end of February, June and October, with submissions closing on 15th of the posted months.

You may submit original, unpublished Fibonacci works to The Fib Review via Submittable, our on-line submission program.

Muse-Pie Press's policy is to not consider previously published poems. If a poem is posted on a blog, website, or social-networking site, or another online journal, we consider it published. If a poem is posted in a private writing forum and intended only for feedback or community support then we do not consider that published..

Any inquiries should be addressed to the Fib Review Editor at