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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Anglo-Danish by birth but Bahamian by upbringing, Robin HelwegLarsen has been published in the Alabama Literary Review, Allegro, Ambit, Amsterdam Quarterly, Shot Glass Journal and other international journals. He is Series Editor for Sampson Low's 'Potcake Chapbooks - Form in Formless Times', and blogs at from his hometown of Governor's Harbour.

Robin Helweg-Larsen

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Sad, Actually

Unreconstructed, with unhealthy heft—
The image of uncivilised great ape—
A fraud who tries to win by lies and theft,
A man who'd propagate by power and rape,
Racist extoller of his genes alone,
A would-be genocidal patriarch,
Successful in some twilight Darwin zone,
Uncultured as a mugger in the park...
But note, behind the thin success veneer,
The shallow love of gold and gilt and glitz,
Gloating dismissals and the bloated sneer,
The self-aggrandisement that never quits:
An unloved child's in some deep down recess,
The secret of the man's unhappiness.