shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Amanda Faye Martin is a playwright, and occasional writer of poems, short stories, and satire. She is originally from the U.S., but resides in Dunedin, New Zealand. She is currently the Playwriting Fellow at the University of Otago.

Amanda Faye Martin

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The summer of '98

It was the summer of '98.
I wore a white swim suit, and we drove a blue car
But there are stories of that summer
Things our disposable cameras couldn't see
Stories of how I met you,
And you said you loved me under a tree,
And I cried in the ocean, and in your lap, and in the ocean again
But I can't remember why

And I can faintly remember other, later summer days when the grass became itchy
And our feet became cold
But still
How we knew each other, then.