Marilyn Baszczynski
dog days' concert
heavy heat
delves into deepening shadows
no blade of grass
hassled by wind
I float in an evening chorus
of insect chaos
cricket katydid cicada
cadences rise
like the rhythms
of drifting childhood summers
mosquito slaps
mother's call
streetlights humming
from memory
I swirl my iced tea
its sweating glass clinks in applause
Marilyn Baszczynski, originally from Ontario, Canada, lives and writes in rural Iowa. Her book, Gyuri. A Poem of wartime Hungary, was published in 2015. Her poetry has appeared in several journals and anthologies including Abaton, Aurorean, enskyment (spring 2020), KYSO Flash, Loch Raven Review, Lyrical Iowa, Midwest Poetry Review, Mused, Slippery Elm, Sunbeams, Telepoem Booth Iowa (spring 2020), Tipton Poetry Journal, and Whistling Shade. Formerly President of the Iowa Poetry Association, Marilyn currently edits IPA's annual anthology, Lyrical Iowa. Read more about her at