Editor's Note

Welcome to The Fib Review Issue #36. This is probably one of the most unique collections of Fibonacci poems we have ever published. Just when I thought poets had exhausted the options for experimental Fibs, these poets have proven that they aren't quite done yet with pushing the envelope of this already complex and limited form.

In Fib Review's beginnings, we published syllable count Fibs, until poets started to submit word Fibs; then we received form fibs, stanza Fibs, and now, character and spacing Fibs. We are all into the need for poets to express that poetic voice, no matter how it looks on the page – as long as it's good poetry. The challenge is on, poets!

A very special thanks to our webmaster, Lonnard Dean Watkins, with the special formatting needed for these "experimental" Fibs. He always makes us look great.

Please be sure to visit our Fib Review's Writer's Archive or in our Issues Archives to read poems from past poets and issues.

Mary-Jane Grandinetti

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