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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Anglo-Danish by birth but Bahamian by upbringing, Robin HelwegLarsen has been published in the Alabama Literary Review, Allegro, Ambit, Amsterdam Quarterly, Shot Glass Journal and other international journals. He is Series Editor for Sampson Low's 'Potcake Chapbooks - Form in Formless Times', and blogs at from his hometown of Governor's Harbour.

Robin Helweg-Larsen

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The Range of Change

In times of no change, the advantage lies
with those who are receptive to being taught.
Parents and teachers may seem truly wise,
avoiding dangers with which life is fraught;
the stories of the old none would despise
when they hold all the answers that are sought.

In times of constant change, advantage shifts
to those who, hating school, go and explore.
Old answers fail. Fresh questions cause great rifts
with parents who are seen as wise no more;
questions now turn up unexpected gifts
in crossing unknown seas to virgin shores.

Remain alert that there's a range of change
from none, to gradual, to fast, to strange.