shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare

Vivian Delchamps

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Written right before I went to a small wedding where I,
masked and vaxxed, caught covid

Time to be a wedding guest for the second time in two weeks—
How do you cram lifelong happiness into one day?
How do I celebrate others with a full heart
while running on fumes and 5 hour energies?
The good news is there will be laughter
and the vows will make my heart grow 3 sizes.
In fact, it's all good news. The knowledge
that my happiness will be held up someday too
a beacon of some vast and lovable future.
I'll try not to drink too much. I'll try not to overthink
the weight of patriarchal tradition. Here is a chance for reinvention,
not of the individual but of the constellations,
the network of roots that calls us home.
Here is a chance to exhale fatigue
and inhale those moments that make our lives feel boundless.