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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Jennifer Wenn is a trans-identified writer and speaker from London, Ontario. Her first poetry chapbook, A Song of Milestones, was published by Harmonia Press (an imprint of Beliveau Books). Her first full-size collection, Hear Through the Silence, was published by Cyberwit. She has also written From Adversity to Accomplishment (a family and social history); and published poetry in numerous journals and anthologies including WordCity Literary Journal, The Ekphrastic Review, Shot Glass Journal, Beliveau Review and the anthologies Poems in Response to Peril and Dénouement. She is also the proud parent of two adult children. Visit her website at

Jennifer Wenn



Come long-absent showers
a desert blooms,
glowing embers of colour
illuminating her, one
familiar as yesterday but
seen through new eyes,
as near and as untouchable
as tomorrow, all this
Aphrodite's private gift
and torment.