shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Jennifer Chrystie is a poet from Melbourne, Australia whose poems have been published in The Best Australian Poems 2012, Quadrant, Cordite and The Weekend Australian amongst others. Her two poetry collections, "Polishing the Silver"(commended in the FAW Anne Elder Award) and "Weight of Snow" are published by Ginninderra Press.

Jennifer Chrystie

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Wind blows shuddering
notes from open mouths
fractures green sticks
in a slither of stripped bark
Forget about Frost's wall

and the one Shakespeare stole
from Ovidfor the hedges are dancing
in silent pandemoniumchorus girls
on wooden legs
arms around waists

Frivolous privetsolemn cypress and
the newcomergreen leaves flirting
pink undersides must be curbed
by deft choreography when wind comes
prying and whistling