Editor's Note

The Fib Review is a journal that specializes in a unique type of poetry. The rules of writing a Fibonacci poem are simple: use the Fibonacci number sequence to create a poem. The difficulty in writing a Fib is after the poem is written, is it really a poem, or is it just a statement broken down into a pattern that fits the number sequence?

In the Fib Review we feature various types of Fibs, including experimental Fibs, but primarily the poems are written with the Fibonacci number sequence in syllable count or word count. Word count Fibs appear to be easier to write than syllable count Fibs because poets can express themselves without the limitation of the particular word they are using. But there is still the same challenge of writing a good Fib. A word count Fib shouldn't just be a free verse poem with words broken into Fibonacci number sequence. Although enjambment is acceptable, the power of a Fib is the slow building of the poem by use of the shorter lines versus longer lines.

In this current issue of the Fib Review you will see how good poets craft their poems to be first a poem and second a Fib.

A special thanks to webmaster, Lonnard Dean Watkins, who makes it all look so easy.

Be sure to visit the Fib Review's Writer's Archive which links the over 100 previously published poets to the archived issues in which they were published.

Please feel free to leave a comment on our Comments Page by clicking in the upper right corner of the website or go to http://www.musepiepress.com/comments.html.

Mary-Jane Grandinetti

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