Issue # 10 August 2011
Editor's Note

Issue #10 marks the fifth year of The Fib Review. It features some of our seasoned Fibonacci poets as well as poets who have been published in Shot Glass Journal, Muse-Pie Press's online short poetry journal. These talented poets, new to the Fibonacci poetry form, prove that the Fib can be good poetry even though it's a structured form.

I was inspired reading through the submissions by the way the poets carefully craft their words to make you think, smile or question. As I read one poem after the other, I found myself caught in the rhythm of the very nature of the Fibonacci number sequence. It made me smile to recall how some say they find the Fibonacci poem difficult to read because it doesn't flow; it isn't natural.

I recently read an article about a 13-year old boy, Aidan Dwyer, who while hiking in the Catskills last winter, took notice of the patterns of tree branches. His research about the tree patterns lead him from the ancient Sanskrit poetry of India to Leonardo of Pisano and the Fibonacci number sequence, which is a recurring pattern found in nature.

Aidan discovered a new way to collect sunlight more efficiently than flat solar panels by emulating the Fibonacci sequence in solar panels modeled as an oak tree. I encourage you to read further about this brilliant young scientist.

Be sure to visit the Fib Review's Writer's Archive which links the over 70 previously published poets to the archived issues in which they were published.

I hope you enjoy this issue of The Fib Review as much as I enjoyed working with the poets featured here. A special thanks to webmaster, Lonnard Dean Watkins, who always makes us all look good.

Mary-Jane Grandinetti

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